Bathroom Makeover on a Budget
October 15, 20153M Preserving Rock & Roll History with Window Film
February 15, 2016As with most products and services, window films require a professional point of view to first determine which type of tinting will be the best solution for you. The 3M Night Vision Series Window Film helps block the sun’s damaging rays, reduce glare, and reject more than 70% of the sun’s heat. Night Vision films also provide significant glare relief.
By day, you can enjoy plenty of soft natural sunlight, and thanks to a low interior reflectivity, you can also enjoy improved views out by night. Subtle to high exterior reflectivity means enhanced privacy during the day and at night. The Night Vision Series is a medium to dark shaded film, as opposed to the 3M Prestige Series. When considering window tinting for your home or business, which 3M series is best? For a free consultation, let the professionals and authorized 3M Window Film Dealers of Carolina Solar find the best solution for you.