3M Preserving Rock & Roll History with Window Film

3M Window Film: Night Vision Series
October 15, 2015
Window Film for Privacy
February 15, 2016
3M Window Film: Night Vision Series
October 15, 2015
Window Film for Privacy
February 15, 2016

Thanks to 3M’s rocking window film technology, the artifacts in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum may have a longer life! The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum opened its doors in Cleveland, Ohio 25 year ago, and its mission is to “engage, teach and inspire through the power of rock and roll. It carries out this mission through its operation of a world-class museum that collects, preserves, exhibits and interprets this art form and through its library and archives as well as its educational programs.” This beautiful building is home to an impressive collection of music industry artifacts in a wide range of exhibits. These exhibits will now be protected, and that is because the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame uses 3M window film that refracts, or blocks, 99.9 percent of UV rays. Those UV rays are what can turn treasured artifacts into dust over time. Hundreds of layers of this film, that are thinner than a Post-it Note, cover the immaculate glass, bouncing light away. Now, rock ‘n roll history lives on. Carolina Solar is Raleigh’s authorized 3M Window Film dealer, serving the Triangle and all surrounding areas. To request a quote on sun control films, call (919) 380- 7763, or visit our website today.