sun control window films

March 25, 2022

How Do I Keep My Wood Floors From Fading?

When you invest in hardwood floors or invest in restoring your wood floors, you want to keep them looking their best for as long as possible. That means avoiding fading that can make your floors look dull and dated way before their time. Here are some practical ways to keep your wood floors from fading: Use Rugs – Use rugs and other temporary floor coverings in areas where the floor gets a lot of sunlight […]
April 2, 2023

6 Facts You Should Know About 3M Window Films for Sun Control

The sun is a powerful force that can bring beauty and warmth to your life, but it can also cause harm. The ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause skin cancer, while the heat and glare from sunlight can increase your energy bills, fade your furniture and flooring, and even damage your electronics. Luckily, there is a simple solution: installing 3M Window Films for Sun Control. Let’s review 6 facts you should know about these window films […]
August 18, 2023

The Benefits of Skylight Window Tinting

When it comes to designing your home, skylight windows are a fantastic way to bring in natural light and create a bright, open atmosphere. However, with those windows comes the risk of UV rays from the sun causing damage to your flooring, furniture and even your skin. Fortunately, skylight window tinting can offer a variety of benefits to homeowners looking to protect their property while enjoying the natural light. Let’s take a closer look at […]
November 22, 2023

Benefits of Sun Control Window Films for Your Home

Your home is your sanctuary. It’s where you can relax and unwind after a long day at work. However, did you know that your windows are one of the biggest sources of energy waste in your home? The good news is that you can reduce harmful UV rays, regulate your indoor climate, protect your furnishings, and enhance security by installing Sun Control window films. Here, we’ll discuss the seven benefits of installing residential window films. […]